Exhuma tells a gripping story about a mysterious curse plaguing a wealthy South Korean family living in California. For generations, the eldest male descendant has inevitably succumbed to madness. Desperate, the family seeks help from an unconventional group of specialists: a shaman and her apprentice, a feng shui expert, and his long-time partner, who owns a funeral home. Together, this charismatic team sets out to the sacred mountains of Korea to investigate the grave of the cursed family’s ancestor. However, what they uncover is far darker and more terrifying than they could have imagined.
The film excels with its striking depictions of mystical rituals and a haunting atmosphere that keeps viewers on edge from start to finish. This genre masterpiece pulls no punches, fearlessly shocking its audience with increasingly brutal scenes. Exhuma delivers two hours of relentless tension, leaving a lasting impression you won’t easily forget.